These are notes taken during CMSC 818e: Distributed And Cloud-Based Storage Systems. Course webpage and syllabus here.
Day One
There are readings for each class; do the readings before class and submit notes via blog by 6PM the night before the reading is due.
- Project 1: A Key-Value Store in Go - implement the second half of a remote procedure call (Due midnight Sunday Sept 9th)
- Project 2: Serialization, Persistence, and Immutability
- Project 3: Replication, and a Cloud Client
- Project 4: Distributed Consensus
- Project 5: Building High-Level Abstractions from a Shared Log
Access projects via CMS Gitlab; submit via Dr. Keleher’s server.
Use Piazza to talk about projects; for Go troubleshooting.
Distributed Systems
- no single master (usually), point-of-failure
- local control/autonomy
- some have done unusual things like using entropy to decide
- all are peers
- peers are basically the same
- file-sharing:
- sometimes means data distribution, control central
Distribution and Geo-replication:
- distance (latency, no simultaneity, agreement difficult)
- “a DS is one where networked computers coordinate activity only by passing messages”
- Internet, intranets, mobile devices
- small
- low latency
- high bandwidth
- secure, reliable interconnect
- dependent failure
- coordinated resources
- big
- high latency
- low bandwidth
- autonomous
- unreliable network
- fear and distrust (byzantine failure)
- independent failures
- decentralized administration
- private communication over private networks
- who sent it (auth), integrity, privacy
- building reliable systems from unreliable components
- independent failures
“A distributed system is one in which the failure of a machine I have never heard of can prevent me from doing my work. - Leslie Lamport
- location
- placement for efficient sharing
- finding it later
- coordination and shared state
- what should we do, and when?
- can we agree on what we’ve done?
- who is this “we” you speak of?
- recoverability:
- don’t lose data if a failure occurs (also durability)
- assume
- nodes have storage
- volatile: fast (memory)
- non-volatile: slow (disks)
- but NVRAM getting cheaper, flash memory, etc
- availability
- survivability
- also
- security, adaptability, agility, etc
Consequences of distribution
- concurrent processes
- user work independently
- non-determinism, race conditions, sync, deadlock, liveliness
- no global clock
- coordination through messages (CSP)
- clock sync works, but only to a degree
- no global state
- no single process has knowledge of entire state of the system
- failures
- node failures
- network partitions
Why Go
- interfaces - no inheritance, no objects in Go, just structs
- slices > array
- slices give you a pointer
- copy by value => copy by reference
- append
- type safe
- gothreads - lightweight
- channels - the way that gothreads talk to each other. FIFO buffer, synchronize multiple writers and readers. can be single value, can be buffered
- garbage collection - pervasive in Go. Can be a problem - will happen asynchronously with respect to your program, don’t know when it will happen
- go build/install/get/run …
- emacs? go-mode comes w/ distribution
- visual studio?
- atom w/ go pro?
- everything is passed by values: pointers, but also structs, arrays (use slices)
var arr = [3]int{1,2,3}
sl := arr[0:2] // first two items but not last
sl2 := []int{4,5,6}
sl3 := append(sl2, 7, 8)
sl4 := append(sl, 7, 8)
- no pointer arithmetic
- there is a ++ operator, but it’s not an expression
- no type aliases
- ` type dint int` no distinct types
- can add methods to user-defined types
- duck typing - hard to look at a struct and see what type it is
- no ternary
- no constructors
- no destructors
- no default args
- everything is a package
The CAP Theorem
The CAP theorem states that it is impossible for a distributed data store to simultaneously provide more than two out of the following three guarantees:
- Consistency: Every read receives the most recent write or an error
- Availability: Every request receives a (non-error) response – without guarantee that it contains the most recent write
- Partition tolerance: The system continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped (or delayed) by the network between nodes
Exercise: Loops and Functions
Practice with control flow: Fill out the definition of the square root iteratively using the Tour of Go
implement a for
// Modify the code below to compute a square root w/ the iterative approach
// outlined. You may use "math.Abs()", but not any other math method.
// Modify sqrt to return both a number of iterations, and the final value,
// modify main to print them out.
package main
import (
func Sqrt(x float64) (float64, int) {
var z, diff, iter = 1.0, 1.0, 0
for i := 1; i < 20; i++ {
diff = (z*z - x) / (2 * z)
switch {
case math.Abs(diff) < 0.01:
z -= diff
return z, iter
func main() {
z, iter := Sqrt(50)
fmt.Printf("After %v iterations, z = %v\n", iter, z)